Tillery Chevrolet unveils their Pumpkin Launcher at the
Annual Pumpkin Fest in Estancia, New Mexico
The Punkinator Pumpkin Launcher is made out of 400 pounds of metal, parts
from an old
windmill, a sodium silicate tank, and an old automobile air
bag for the
sling. With several hundred onlookers, Tillery
Chevrolet's launcher won First place in their category for the
second year in a row. This years distance was 320 feet compared to
last years distance of about 400 feet.
Pictured are the creators for the 1999 Tillery Chevrolet PC Mark 4
Launcher and the 2000 Punkinator:
Back row (L to R), Dane Morris, Anthony Anaya
Front row (L to R), Juan Garcia, Bill Threet, Andy Anaya,
Freddy Mora