
Moriarty School District
- Five Moriarty Elementary Schools 1,567 students
- Moriarty Middle School 764 students
- Moriarty High School 839 students
- New middle school planned for Edgewood for the year 2000
- Percent of population enrolled in school (age 3 and up).
- Preprimary 4.7%
- Elementary and High School 78.4
- College 16.9
Educational Attainment
- Twenty five years plus.
- Less than grade 9 3.9%
- Grade 9 - 12
- no diploma 10.0
- High school or GED 32.3
- Some college 23.5
- Associate Degree 6.6
- Bachelors Degree 14.0
- Graduate Degree 7.7
University of New Mexico
- Located in Albuquerque just 25 miles West of Edgewood
- Nationally Recognized research university with an array of programs
including anthropology, biology, engineering, law and medicine
- 49 doctoral degrees
- 98 master’s degrees
- 141 bachelor’s degrees
- 13 associate’s degrees
- Nearly 30,000 students enrolled in day and night classes
Technical Vocational Institute
- Located in Albuquerque just 25 miles West of Edgewood
- Offering associate degrees in liberal arts and 34 occupations
- 41 job-training certificates
- College transfer courses and adult education classes
- Specializes in programs that support workforce training and economic
General Information |
Public Notices | Business
& Labor | Parks
& Recreation
Population | Education | Housing
| Transportation
| Medical | Utilities
| Taxes | Emergency
Services | Community Facilities

Town of Edgewood
P.O. Box 3610
Edgewood, NM 87015
Telephone: 505 286-4518
Fax: 505 286-4519