Edgewood Town CouncilRegular MeetingRegular MeetingFebruary 6, 20026:30 p.m. - Edgewood Community Center
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Call to order
3. Approve agenda Motion________________ Second_________________ Action______________
4. Approve minutes of January 16, 2002, regular session. Motion________________ Second_________________ Action______________
5. Judges Report for the month of January 2002 Motion_______________ Second________________ Action_______________
6. Edgewood Middle School - Principal David Latham and Mr. Robert Upshaw.
7. Acknowledge receipt of Planning & Zoning minutes of January 28, 2002 meeting. Motion___________ Second___________ Action____________
8. Application for amendment to the Town of Edgewood Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (Map) to establish an MP-Master Plan Zone on portions of Sections 10 & 15 T10N R7E, Lands of Highland Stock Farm and the Estate of Eleanor Hill; to be known as the HillCrest Master Plan , presentation.
9. Authorization to sign contract with YCC reference 2002 grant award. Motion_________________ Second_________________ Action______________
10. Correspondence
11. Payment of bills Motion_________________ Second______________ Action_______________
12. Adjourn
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